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The organelles in a plant cell that create glucose for the plant to use are called chloroplasts. A chloroplast has a thin inner and outer membrane, which contains everything within. There are small, thin-mint-like structures called thylakoids, which are grouped together in stacks. A stack of thylakoids is called a granum. The grana make up the thylakoid membrane, which is the network that holds the grana together. The aqueous space in the chloroplast is called the stroma, where most of photosynthesis takes place.

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Q: Which of these structures in a plant cell allows plants to make food?
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What structures do plant cells have that cells do not?

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What cell structures are found only in plant cell and not in animal cells?

Plants have a cell wall, and chloroplasts.

What structures would normally be found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?

Plants have a CELL WALL where animals do not.

What structures are present in animal cell but not in plant cell?

Chloroplasts, Cell wall, and Plants have really large Vacuoles compared to Animals.

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the differences between an animal cell and a plant cell is that an animal cell has a cell membrane and a plant cell has a cell wall.

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a cell from an oak tree (:

What structures differ between plant and animal cells have?

Animal cells only have a cell membrane. Plants cells also have, in addition, a cell wall.Plant cells also contain chlorophyll which is found in chloroplasts, which allows plants to photosynthesis, which allows oxygen production and the utilisation of carbon dioxide to produce food in the form of sugar (glucose) which from the point of view of a plant is pretty fundemental. It is the various chemical within the chlorophyll which causes plant leaves to be coloured.

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The structures allow the cell to perform specific functions.

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plants cells have a cell wall animals dont

Do plant and animal cells have the same parts?

Plants and animals have the same cell structure except plants have chloroplast. Chloroplast causes plant's green coloring. It is the part of the plant that does photosynthesis and makes the plant green.