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Q: Which of these was the most influential philosophical thought in China?
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Many consider John Locke to have been the most influential philosopher in American political thought. Locke was an English philosopher.

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India, Burma, Thailand, China, Nepal

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The comparative form of "influential" is "more influential" and the superlative form is "most influential."

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The answer to this question depends on who is asked it. Most would agree that Socrates was one of the most influential and brilliant philosophical scholars to have ever lived, however. He is considered the Founder of Western Philosophy and the first of the "Big Three."

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Most of the ancient Chinese religions were based on philosophical ideas, such as the idea of harmony existing in nature (ex. every Yin to its Yang)

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The largest or most powerful/influential countries in Asia include China, Russia, India, Japan, Iran, Israel, and Vietnam.

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What are the five most influential emerging economies that are currently challenging the economic dominance of the US and the European Union?

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

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Thomas Aquinas' most famous work is Summa Theologica, a comprehensive synthesis of Christian theology that addresses various philosophical and theological questions. It is considered one of the most important and influential works in the history of Western thought.