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I believe Zeus, as he was the God of weather

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Q: Which olympian made winter come to earth when they were upset?
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What Olympian was upset when winter came to earth?

No, Zeus did not make winter come when he was upset. When Persephone goes to the underworld for six months each year fall and winter come. The Greeks told the story of Demeter and her daughter Persephone to explain the seasons. Persephone was stolen away by the god Hades to be his queen in the underworld. Demeter, goddess of growing things, was so sad that she neglected her duties and everything died. Eventually Zeus decreed that Persephone could return to her mother if she had eaten nothing whilst in the underworld. Unfortunately she had eaten six pomegranate seeds, so Zeus said Persephone should spend six months with Hades and six months with Demeter. Thus when Persephone returns, Demeter is happy and it is spring and things start to grow, but when she returns to Hades, the winter comes.

When will The Last Olympian come out?

The Last Olympian was released May 5th, 2009.

When does the Last Olympian come out?

The Last Olympian was released on May 5, 2009.

When will the book the Last Olympian come out?

The Last Olympian was released May 5th, 2009.

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Cronous was the overthrown ruler, which enabled the Olympian gods to come to power.

When is Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian coming out?

The Last Olympian will come out May 5, 2009.

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The Last Olympian was released May 5th, 2009.

How did Zeus be come Olympian?

He is the son of Kronos, the titan lord.

When did The Last Olympian come out?

The producers of the Percy Jackson movie:The Lightning Thief has not decided if The Last Olympian book will be made into a movie. The producers say it'll depend on how the other movies go. Most assume if The Last Olympian would be made into a movie, it would come out around 2015-17.

When will the book Percy Jackson and the Olympians 5 the last olympian come out?

It already has!

When does the Last Olympian come out in paperback?

July 27, 2010 Will cost $7.99

When will the fifth book come out by Rick Riordan?

May 05, 2009 - The Last Olympian