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Both are involved. DNA contains the instructions, which are transcribed onto mRNA. This mRNA travels out of the nucleus to the ribosome - where it is translated into an amino acid sequence (polypeptide/protein).

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Q: Which one is used to make protein DNA or RNA?
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DNA is used as a blueprint to make this molecule?

In the process of transcription, DNA is used as a blueprint to make m-RNA which codes for a specific protein.

How is DNA used to make protean?

DNA is not used to make a protein but RNA is. It is sent to the ribosomes where it tells it how much to make depending on it's order.

In gene expression and protein synthesis information flows from?

DNA --> RNA --> Proteins -----------------------------------------That simple.

Where is DNA changes to RNA?

DNA changes to RNA when the nucleus is going through protein synthesis. in order for your ribosomes to make protein they must copy a portion of your DNA, change it into RNA then translate the RNA into amino acid sequences which come all together to make a protein ...

What happens during the second step of making a protein?

A DNA strand is used to make a strand of RNA.

The function of RNA is to?

Used to create protein written by DNA

RNA is accociated with?

RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)...this is the messenger of the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) The RNA carries directions from the DNA to the Ribosomes that tell the Ribosomes what protein to make and how to do it. RNA reads the blueprint (DNA)

How are RNA and DNA used to make protein?

DNA has coded instructions for making proteins, and RNA translates the code.

Is the enzyme that allows replication to occur DNA polymerase or RNA polymerase?

DNA polymerase replicated DNA. RNA polymerase creates mRNA to be used in protein synthesis. RNA polymerase does not replicated DNA.

What is DNA to RNA to protein?

Protein synthesis

What is the correct order dna-RNA-protein or dna-protein-RNA or RNA-protein-dna?

It's DNA - RNA - protein. DNA encoding a gene is transcribed to mRNA or messenger RNA by RNA polymerase. The RNA is then translated into a protein sequences at the ribosome. tRNA's or transfer RNA's act like a dictionary for the translation. They can recognize a code of three nucleotides (a codon) in the RNA and bring the corresponding amino acid to the right place at the ribosome, where it is ligated to the rest of the protein. A protein is a chain of amino acids. see

What is the central dogma biology?

DNA -> RNA -> protein. That simple!