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Q: Which one of the following is NOT an attribute that is allowed to be used for a 'TD' element?
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What is an attribute used for?

In HTML, atttribute provides additional information about HTML element. Attribute of HTML element is written in start tag and usually come in name/value pair e.g. name="value". Attribute names and values are case sensative and it is recommented by W3C to write them in lower case. Some attributes which can be used on any HTML element are: classs, id, style, title etc. Attribute values should always be quoted in single or double quotes. The best practice is to use double quotes around values.

What is an HTML attribute used for?

In HTML, atttribute provides additional information about HTML element. Attribute of HTML element is written in start tag and usually come in name/value pair e.g. name="value". Attribute names and values are case sensative and it is recommented by W3C to write them in lower case. Some attributes which can be used on any HTML element are: classs, id, style, title etc. Attribute values should always be quoted in single or double quotes. The best practice is to use double quotes around values.

How do you get emage HTML?

the tag is used to insert images. It is an empty element that only has attributes. Two attributes are required for the element: the src attribute and the alt attribute. The src attribute specifies the path of the image file. The alt attribute specifies an alternative text for the image, if the image is unavailable. The syntax for the tag is as follows: To know more check out the cronj IT site.

Why you use documentgetElementByIddemo in java script?

DocumentgetElementByID is used to refer a attribute by it's id. This will get the element with the id defined anywhere in the page.

Which of the following allowed criminal to be used as slaves?

the thirteenth ammendmenr

What does values mean in HTML?

The values specify the properties of the attribute which provide additional information about HTML element. For example: the element Font will have an attribute to define the color of the font, and the value will be the color. This information is used in the start tag. <font face="arial">This is arial font</font> ="arial" is the value. (Element Attribute= "value"> General values could include size= "2" ( "2" is the value to define the size of the font in pixels) or color = "000000" (="000000" is the value to define the color of the font)

Ask us of the following allowed criminals to be used as slaves?

The Thirteenth Amendment

All tags and its attributes with example in HTML?

A start tag will contain the content followed by the end tag The values specify the properties of the attribute which provide additional information about HTML element. For example: the element Font will have an attribute to define the color of the font, and the value will be the color. This information is used in the start tag. This is arial font ="arial" is the value. (Element Attribute= "value"> General values could include size= "2" ( "2" is the value to define the size of the font in pixels) or color = "000000" (="000000" is the value to define the color of the font)

What are the names of 3 tags for HTML and what do they do?

The paragraph tag, Text, is used to set off blocks of text as paragraphs.The anchor tag, Text, is used to create hyperlinks from a document to another resource.The canvas tag, creates an element that can be drawn on using JavaScript.

What are the attributes of table?

The only attribute specific to the TABLE tag allowed by the W3C for a table in HTML5 is the "border" attribute, which takes an integer value specifying whether the table should have a border. The table can also take all of the HTML5 Global Attributes (see link.)In HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0, the table tag has significantly more specific attributes that are allowed. The list below lists them (the attributes in italics were deprecated between HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0 and should not be used in XHTML.)align This attribute can take a value of "left", "right", or "center" and adjusts the table's alignment in relation to the surrounding text.bgcolor This attribute can take a color name, rgb, or hex value, and is used to set the color of the table's background.border This attribute takes an integer value for the number of pixels, which specify the width of the border around the table. (This is the same attribute that survived in HTML5)cellpadding This attribute takes an integer value that specifies the distance between the edge of a table cell, and its content, in pixels.cellspacing This attribute takes an integer that defines the distance, in pixels, between the outer edge of cells.frame This attribute can be assigned the values of "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs", "rhs", "vsides", "box", or "border" and defines the portions of the outside border that should be visible.rule This attribute can be assigned any of the values from "none", "groups", "rows", "cols", or "all". This value specifies which portions of the inside borders of the table will be visible.summary This attribute takes a string value, and is used to summarize the content of the table. It is intended to be used to provided additional information for the visually impaired, and is not visible in a normal browser.width The value of this attribute is either an integer (representing pixels) or a percentage of the width of the parent element, written as a percentage (e.g. "45%") The attribute specifies the width of the table.In XHTML and HTML 4, the TABLE tag can also take all of the Standard Attributes. See the link for details.

What is the use of name attribute in designing form in HTML and what happens if not used?

The name attribute can be used for referring the value in other context. For example for passing the value in JavaScript.

What is an attribute that can be used to help identify a substance?

Characteristic Property