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C- Workers having different lifestyles or values

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Q: Which one of the following isnot a source of conflict between younger and older workers?
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Older workers have fewer accidents than younger workers do true or false?

It is true that older workers have fewer accidents than younger workers.

Older workers usually cannot work as effectively as younger workers true or false?

It is false that older workers usually cannot work as effectively as younger workers.

The song For What it's Worth shows conflict between what or who?

Younger and older generations. It also shows the conflict between those who wanted America to go to war overseas and those who protested the action.

What does The song For What It's Worth show conflict between?

Younger and older generations. Young People and Old People

Who does the song for what it's worth shows conflict between?

Younger and older generations. Young People and Old People

Who does the song for what it's worth shows conflict between?

Younger and older generations. Young People and Old People

Which of these statements is true based on the information on the tableOlder workers tend to stay at their jobs for longer periods of time than younger workers do?

Older workers tend to stay at their jobs for longer periods of time than younger workers do.

How do younger workers pay for social security benefits to retired workers?

Younger workers pay for social security benefits to retired workers through payroll taxes. A portion of their wages is deducted and paid into the Social Security trust fund. These funds are then used to pay benefits to current retirees. When the younger workers themselves retire, the next generation of workers will contribute to their benefits.

Are older or younger workers more likely to join unions?


How could a conflict at home be handled?

Conflict at home can be handled by listening to your elders/younger one's and not arguing with them.

What is the drawback of having the social security taxes of young er workers pay for the benefits of older workers?

the social security taxes you pay provide benefits for workers who have already retired. ======= There might not be enough younger workers if populations are declining or the younger workers may not earn enough to support themselves and pay the promised benefits to the older workers as the economy declines.

What is the conflict of the story the mats?

The conflict in the story "The Mats" by Francisco Arcellana is primarily internal, as the narrator struggles to come to terms with his feelings of pride and alienation towards his Filipino heritage. This conflict is further emphasized by the external conflict between the older generation's traditional values and the younger generation's modern beliefs.