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Q: Which one of the following outlines how the OSHA Act is implemented within Federal agencies?
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Federal laws are implemented by who?

congress ^^ It's definitely NOT Congress. I got that question wrong on PLATO. It is Federal Agencies.

What happens to a public policy after it has been implemented?

federal agencies enforce newly written tax laws

How does the United States government utilize the Federal Register?

The Federal Register is used to record daily occurrences within the federal government. It outlines both proposed and final regulations of federal agencies.

Which law designates the steps that federal agencies must follow in issuing rules and regulations?

This can not be answered with just one law because there is not just one general law for all federal agencies. It depends on which agency in discussion. Such as the Federal Aviation Act outlines the guidelines the must be taken for air control while the Clean Air Act outlines the steps needed to be take by the EPA.

Laws designated the steps that the federal agencies must follow in issuing rules and regulations?

This can not be answered with just one law because there is not just one general law for all federal agencies. It depends on which agency in discussion. Such as the Federal Aviation Act outlines the guidelines the must be taken for air control while the Clean Air Act outlines the steps needed to be take by the EPA.

What document outlines the federal government and how it works?

The U.S. Constitution outlines the structure of the federal government. It details how each branch of government operates and the relationship between the states and the federal government.

What federal agencies does the US have?

The United States have a wide variety of different federal agencies which currently operate. One of the most well known federal agencies is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

What is the document called that outlines the manner in which the United states federal government is to operate?

What is the document called that outlines the manner in which the United States federal government is to operate

Which of the following government agencies is responsible for managing the money supply in the united states?

The federal reserve bank

What document outlines the federal government?

The document that outlines the federal government of the United States is the Constitution of the United States. It establishes the three branches of government - the legislative, executive, and judicial branches - and outlines the powers and limitations of each branch.

Which of the following government agencies is responsible for managing the money supplt in the US?

federal reserve bank. APEX! n_n You naughty varlet you! ;-)