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Q: Which one of the following statements is true about human reproductive cloning?
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Is cloning human cells the same as human cloning?


Do the benefits of human cloning outweigh the coast of human dignity?

I'm not sure if the benefits of human cloning outweigh the coast of human dignity or not?

Obama human cloning?


Is cloning the same as cloning an adult human?

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1.The use of microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeasts, or biological substances, such as enzymes, to perform specific industrial or manufacturing processes. 2.Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of an existing or previously existing human. The term is generally used to refer to artificial human cloning; human clones in the form of identical twins are commonplace, with their cloning occurring during the natural process of reproduction. There are two commonly discussed types of human cloning: therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Gene cloning is the act of making copies of a single gene. Amplified genes are useful in many areas of research and for medical applications such as gene therapy 3.DNA or Reproductive cloning could be used to repopulate endangered animals or animals that are difficult to breed. In 2001, the first clone of an endangered wild animal was born, a wild ox called a gaur. The young gaur died from an infection about 48 hours after its birth. In 2001, scientists in Italy reported the successful cloning of a healthy baby mouflon, an endangered wild sheep. The cloned mouflon is living at a wildlife center in Sardinia. Other endangered species that are potential candidates for cloning include the African bongo antelope, the Sumatran tiger, and the giant panda. Cloning extinct animals presents a much greater challenge to scientists because the egg and the surrogate needed to create the cloned embryo would be of a species different from the clone.

Related questions

What is the status of human reproductive cloning in the world?

There is no evidence of successful human cloning in the world.

Is human cloning legal in the UK?

Human cloning is not legal in the UK. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 prohibits the cloning of humans for reproductive purposes. Research involving human cloning is also tightly regulated in the UK.

Difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?

Reproductive cloning scientist investigate about cells, an egg cell and mix the nucleus, therefore a sollution of the egg cell transfers the nucleus of the somatic cell into the eggcell, then they add mitosis to the egg cell containing the somatics DNA, resulting in an 16cell embryo then it is placed in the womb of a female to create a clone. While therapeutic cloning people look at embyos and how they are formed.

In What countries is human cloning legal?

There is no country in the world in which the cloning of human beings is legal, this is due to ethnical and religious reasons. The cloning of plants and animals on the other hand has helped us understand the actual idea of cloning in a different way. On information on the cloning on animals visit the articles on cloning on wiki.

Is cloning human cells the same as human cloning?


What is human cloning basically about?

Cloning humans.

What new ways are there of cloning?

A world wide breakthrough occurred recently when a scientist named Samuel Wood cloned himself. Although the embryo clones, about the size of a pinhead, survived only five days, it was proven that the actual creation of human clones WAS possible and may later serve to cure many hereditary diseases. To see an article, visit the following website:

Can you please write a persuasive speech for me about human cloning?

While human cloning might offer potential benefits in terms of medical advances and reproductive technology, it also raises numerous ethical concerns and challenges. The risks of cloning leading to genetic abnormalities and potential exploitation of cloned individuals cannot be overlooked. It's crucial to prioritize the ethical implications and consider the long-term consequences of pursuing human cloning. Ultimately, we must proceed with caution and ensure that any advancements in this field prioritize human rights and dignity.

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Can human cloning be permitted in US?

Human cloning will be illegal in the US as long as there are conservatives in the country.

Do the benefits of human cloning outweigh the coast of human dignity?

I'm not sure if the benefits of human cloning outweigh the coast of human dignity or not?

What involves cloning a human completely?

cloning a complete human involves taking genes or cells froma human and letting them do the rest