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a).GESTALT b).psychoanalytic C).sociocultural d).evolutionary e).humanistic a).GESTALT b).psychoanalytic C).sociocultural d).evolutionary e).humanistic

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4mo ago

The school of thought most concerned with behavior changes that promote survival in the face of environmental pressures would be evolutionary psychology. This field focuses on how behaviors have evolved over time to help individuals adapt and survive in their environments based on natural selection.

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Q: Which one of the schols of thoughts would be most concerned with behavior changes that promote survival in the face of environmental pressuresanswers 1 is gestalt 2psychoanalytic. 3 sociocultura 4evol?
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Which school of thought in psychology would be most concerned with behavior changes that promote survival in the face of environmental pressures?

Evolutionary psychology would be most concerned with behavior changes that promote survival in the face of environmental pressures. This approach focuses on how psychological traits and behaviors have evolved to enhance survival and reproductive success. It examines how natural selection has shaped human cognition and behavior to adapt to the demands of the environment.

Which perspective on personality development is most concerned with how ones learning history influences who they later become?

The behaviorist perspective on personality development is most concerned with how one's learning history, through experiences and environmental influences, shapes and determines who they later become. This perspective emphasizes the role of conditioning and reinforcement in shaping an individual's personality traits and behaviors over time.

Which perspective is most directly concerned with assessing the relative impact of both nature and nurture on your psychological traits?

The interactionist perspective is most directly concerned with assessing the relative impact of both nature (genetic factors) and nurture (environmental factors) on psychological traits. It recognizes that both nature and nurture play a role in shaping an individual's traits and behavior, and focuses on understanding how these factors interact to influence development.

What is a synonym for worried?

Anxious, concerned, troubled.

What is a synonym to the word worried?


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Environmental attitudes refer to individuals' beliefs, feelings, and behaviors towards the environment and its protection. These can range from pro-environmental attitudes that prioritize sustainability and conservation to less concerned attitudes that prioritize economic growth over environmental concerns. Social, cultural, and educational factors can shape an individual's environmental attitudes.

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Environmental engineers use the concepts of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to develop solutions to environmental troubles. they're concerned in efforts to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and water and air pollution control.

How is the word environmental defined?

The word environmental is defined as being concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment or being of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings. Two synonyms for this word is environment and ecology.

What are the four major environmental issues that scientists are most concerned about?

There are many important environmental issues. Four major ones would beGlobal climate changeDesertificationSpecies lossOverpopulation

Why should an operator be concerned with meeting emission regulations?

An operator should be concerned with meeting emission regulations because if the operator does not meet the regulations they are likely contributing to environmental pollution. Also, there can be heavy fines for non-compliance.

Which group would be concerned with pollution of the river after cutting of the old forest?

A climate scientist would be interested, also an environmental scientist.

What part of government deals with fertilizer for plants?

Fertilizer is a concern of farms and agriculture. Therefore, the Department of Agriculture would be concerned with this. The Environmental Protection Agency would be concerned with fertilizer runoff and possible toxicity or pollution due to certain fertilizers.

Does the EPA study pollution and other environmental hazards?

Yes, the EPA does study pollution and other environmental hazards. They conduct research, gather data, and analyze the impact of pollution on human health and the environment. Their findings help inform policies and regulations to protect public health and the environment.