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Q: Which one takes uo to 5 month to break down?
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Our moon takes a month to orbit the Earth.

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Non woven polypropylene is said to be photo-degradable - to be broken down by the sun. Any comments?

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It takes about one month for the cycle to occur, and that's why we have a full moon about every month.

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How long does it take for a water bottle to breakdown?

It takes depends on the type of plastic, but no one is certain how long any type of plastic takes to break down. Many early plastic toys from the 60's are beginning to break down significantly. However, clear water bottles like Dasini and most other brands use PET. PET is a relatively modern plastic so there is little information on its degradation. In any case it takes about 1 week for a water bottle to break down with recycling it .

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One month

What is the difference between a sidereal month and and a synodic month?

A sidereal month is the time it takes the moon to complete one orbit of earth. A synodic month is longer than a sidereal month because it takes longer for the moon to go through it's phases

How long is one moon to Indians?

One moon is equal to about a month because one "moon cycle" takes about one month. Either that, or it's one night.

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The liver metabolizes the alcohol in one drink per hour.

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To break a bad habit or get a new healthier one takes about thirty days.

How long does it take for a octopus leg to grow back?

it takes one month