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Q: Which or the following planets is similar to Uranus in terms of its size and mass?
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How does Uranus rate among planets in terms of mass?

It is the fourth largest.

What planet is similar to Uranus in terms of its size and mass?


How does uranus relate to the other planets in terms of size?

It is the third largest planet in our Solar system.

Who are Uranus's neighbors?

In terms of neighbors Uranus has two. It has Saturn with its spectacular ring system, and Neptune a bluish, almost similar planet.

Which planets are there between the earth and the planet neptune?

The Solar System consists of eight planets and the sun. Between Earth and Neptune are the planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. The two planets Mercury and Venus are closer to the sun than the Earth.

What are the smallest to greatest planets?

In terms of size, the planets from smallest to greatest is as follows: Mercury (smallest), Mars, Venus, Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter (largest). Note that although Neptune has more mass than Uranus, it is smaller in size.

What comes after . Jupiter?

Saturn in terms of planets. The order of the planets, from the sun outward, goes: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, {Asteroid Belt}, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto( Not classified as a planet anymore)

How does Uranus rate terms of the other planets in terms of size?

Uranus is the 3rd to largest planet.

Two planets with simarlar mass and size are?

Uranus and Neptune have similar mass and size. Venus and Earth are actually not as close in terms of mass. Neptune is the heavier of the two gas giants, the ratio of their masses is 0.87, while the mass ratio of Venus to Earth is only 0.82.

What is the planets order of largest to smallest?


Describe your solar system in terms of the sun terrestrial planets and the gaseous planets?

The sun is made up of 74% hydrogen and 24% helium. It is also the center of the universe and the planets orbit around it. Those planets include terrestrial planets and gaseous planets. Terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are also the planets closest to the sun. Gaseous planets, or "Gas Giants" include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

How does Earth compare to the other outer planets in terms of size?

In terms of volume compared to the Earths volume; Jupiter = 1321.3 times bigger Saturn = 763.6 times bigger Uranus = 63.1 times bigger Neptune = 57.7 times bigger