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Earth observation satellite

Earth observation satellites are satellites specifically designed to observe Earth from orbit, similar to spy satellites but intended for non-military uses such as environmental monitoring, meteorology, map making etc.

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Q: Which orbit would be the best for investigating sea temperatures in the world's oceans?
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Which orbit would be best for investigating the Arctic and Antarctic?

If the satellite is in an orbit that takes it over the North and South Poles, it will eventually cover all parts of the Earth as the Earth spins beneath it. This kind of orbit is called a polar orbit.

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What is the independent variable for global warming?

The Sun,Earth's orbit, the oceans,greenhouse gases,and dust.

When was Prolab first put into orbit?

The worlds' first artificial satelite was put in orbit by Soviet Union in 1957, named Sputnik 1. Since then thousands of prolab satelites were put in orbit by several countries around the globe.

What factors cause in temperatures during the seasons?

The Earth's tilt and orbit cause seasonal temperature changes.

When earth's orbit elongates are temperatures warmer or cooler than normal?

Temperatures are cooler because the Earth is further from the sun when it elongates.temperture is colder because the earth is farther from the sun

Why is the worlds on a axis?

The axis is actually an imaginary line that the Earth spins around. It represents the tilt of the Earth relative to its orbit.

What planet revolves around the sun in an orbit between Venus and Mars and is known to be covered by oceans and some land and it has but a single moon?


What is evidence that the earth has an eliptical orbit?

This is not something obvious; for example, it doesn't have much influence on the temperatures. It has been determined with careful measurements.

What causes the earth to slow down its orbit?

Tidal forces between the Sun and the Earth cause friction in Earth's surface - sort of a rippling - that slows the orbit. It is easier to see these tidal forces acting on the water in our oceans than it is to see in our land, but they are there.

This planet revolves around the sun in an orbit between that of Venus and marsit is known to be covered by oceans and some landand it has but single moonthe planet is?

Earth of course.