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The Prime Example: is the MTOC; also known as "The Microtubule Organizing Centers". First runner-up is "The Cytoskeleton".

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Q: Which organelle is a network of protein fibers and tubes extending through the cytoplasm?
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Which organelle has a netlike structure in the cytoplasm of animal cells?

It is called the cytoplasm. It is made up of protein

What organelle in the cells cytoplasm makes protein for the cell?

RIBOSOMES (ribosomes are like little factories that make protein)

Which organelle plays a part in protein synthesis?

There are a number of organelles that assist in protein synthesis. The main ones are ribosome and the codons which are found in the cytoplasm.

Proteins are synthesized at what organelle in the cytosol?

The Ribosomes. The "Work Benches" of the protein synthesis.

The most abundant substance in the cytoplasm of cells?

The most abundant substance in the cytoplasm of cells is water, by a good margin. The most abundant organelle [cellular organ] by mass are ribosomes, which convert DNA into protein.

What does ribsosomes mean?

is an small organelle that makes, or synthesizes, protein. Some Ribsosomes are attached to endoplasmic reticulum, while others float in a cell's cytoplasm.

Which cell organelle is associated with proteine synthesis?

The ribosome is the cell organelle associated with protein synthesis. Ribosomes are small, granular structures composed of RNA and protein, located in the cytoplasm. They function as the site of protein synthesis by linking amino acids together to form polypeptides, which ultimately fold into functional proteins.

What organelle makes protien?

Ribosomes make protein. The production of protein is called protein synthesis. Ribosomes can be found floating freely in the cytoplasm of the cell, or on the surface of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (another organelle).

Which organelle makes proteins in a cell?

Proteins are made by ribosomes. They are the protein synthesizing factories

The ribosome is a organelle that functions in the process of?

The ribosome is a cellular organelle that functions in protein synthesis, building proteins based on instructions from messenger RNA molecules. It serves as the site for translation of genetic information from RNA into proteins.

Which organelle provides elasticity to the cell?

Usually, cytoskeleton would be this "organelle"(cytoskeleton is more like just a protein network across the cell). Also, intercellular junctions and vacuoles(in plants) play a role.

Which cell organelle is called ribonucleo protein particles?

The cell organelle that is called ribonucleo protein particle is vault.