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Q: Which organelle is responsible for protein assembly or synthesis?
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The organelle responsible for protein synthesis is called?


Is the nucleus the organelle that is the center for protein synthesis?

No. protein synthesis occurs in the ribosome. The ribosome receives the mRNA from the nucleus (code for amino acids) which directs the assembly of the chain of amino acids, but the nucleus is not directly responsible for the creation of the protein. Also, the ribosome isa separate organelle, even if it is attached to the nucleus while assembling the protein chain.

When proteins are assembled which organelle does it go to?

Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis. Hopefully this helps!

The ribosome is a organelle that functions in the process of?

A ribosome is the organelle that functions in protein synthesis.

What organelle is responsable for protein and lipid synthesis?

The Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.) is responsible for lipid synthesis however ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis. Ribosomes are also present in endoplasmic reticulum - rough E.R. Smooth E.R. contains no ribosomes.

What organelles produce proteins?

Ribsomes are the organelle most directly responsible for protein synthesis.

What organelle is responsible for synthesis of proteins for transport?

Ribosomes and endoplasmic are responsible for forming and transporting protein in a cell?Brandon M.

Which organelle is responsible for synthesizing protens in the plant cell?

Ribosomes carry out protein synthesis. It does that in all cells

This organelle's function is protein synthesis?

Ribosomes are directly involved in protein synthesis

What organelle is necessary for protein synthesis?

ribosomes are necessary for protein synthesis

Is mitochondria responsible for protein assembly?

Basic role of mitochondria is respiration not protein synthesis . Ribosomes synthesize proteins .

Structure responsible for protein synthesis?

Ribosomes, are responsible for protein synthesis.