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Mainly chloroplasts.

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Q: Which organelle makes photosynthesis possible
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Related questions

What is the major organelle for photosynthesis?

The major organelle for photosynthesis is chloroplast.

What key compound makes photosynthesis in green plants possible?

Chlorophyll makes photosynthesis possible young chap.

Where is the organelle where photosynthesis occurs?

This organelle is the chloroplast.

What organelle does photosynthesis in cells?

The organelle that is responsible for photosynthesis in cells is the chloroplast, which contain chlorophyll.

What cell organelle is responsible for doing photosynthesis?

the chloroplast and the chlorophyll is what makes the green pigment hope it helps!!!

What organelle does photosynthesis for plant cells?

It is the chloroplast. It is the organelle.

What is the cell organelle that preforms the photosynthesis?

It is he chloroplast. it is he organelle.

What organelle completes photosynthesis?

Chloroplasts are the organelles responsible for completing photosynthesis in plants and algae. They contain chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs light and drives the reactions necessary for converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What takes place in the organelle?


What organelle is vital to photosynthesis?

This organelle is called the chloroplast.

What organelle in a plant cell helps with photosynthesis?

the organelle that helps is the chloroplast

What is the cell organelle in the palisade cells that preforms photosynthesis?

it is inchloroplast. That is the organelle.