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Q: Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but not in animal cells?
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Which organelle would you expect to find in a animal cells but not plant calls?

The organelle you expect to find in a animal cell but not in a plant cells is the centriole.

Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but not find in animal cells?


Which organelle is found in plant cell but not animal cells?

Chlorophyll is the only organelle that exists in plant cells and not animal cells.

Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cell but no animal cell?

The organelle that you would expect to find in a plant cell but not animal cell is the centrosomes.

What organelles do both plant and animal cells have?

Answerribosomes, cell membrane, mitochondria, cytoplasm Backup Answer if you don't believe meBoth plant cells and animal cells contain ribosomes, cell membranes, mitochondria, and cytoplasm. Cell walls and chloroplasts are found in plant cells only.----------------------------------------------------------------

Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but animal cells?

Plastids (leukoplast, chromoplast, chloroplast)large central vacuolecell wallChloroplast

Which organelle would you expect to find in animal cells but not plant cells?

Plastids (leukoplast, chromoplast, chloroplast)large central vacuolecell wallChloroplast

Are Golgi bodies animal or plant cells?

Golgi bodies are in both plant and animal cells. Golgi bodies are an organelle usually found in eukaryote cells and both plant and animal cells are eukaryote.

What organelle does an animal have that a plant doesnt?

Animal cells doesn't have any organelle that animal cells have and plant cells don't. BUT the PLANT cell does have cell wall, and chloroplast that a ANIMAL cells doesn't have. Look on google if more information. :)

Is lyososome a plant or animal cell?

A lysosome is an organelle that is in both plant and animal cells.

Which organelle would a plant NOT have?

The only organelle that is unique to animal cells is the centriole.

What organelle does animal cells have that plant do not?

Plant cells have these which animal cells don't:chloroplastscell wallsvery large vacuoles (animals cells have small ones).