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Q: Which organism is likely to be in the bottom trophic level of a food chain?
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What kind of organism found in 1st trophic level?

food chain

What is a trophic level and what determines an organism's trophic level?

A trophic level is the position an organism occupies in a food chain. It is determined by the organism's source of energy and nutrients. Primary producers occupy the first trophic level, herbivores occupy the second trophic level, and so on up the food chain.

What happens when an organism from a higher trophic level eats an organism from a lower trophic level?

When an organism from a higher trophic level eats one from a lower trophic level, it gains energy and nutrients from the consumed organism. This contributes to the transfer of energy through the food chain and helps regulate population sizes in the ecosystem.

What is an organism's relative position in a sequence of energy transfers in a food chain or food pyramid?

Trophic level

What is the trophic level of the bird?

The trophic level is where an organism falls on the food chain. Most birds fall on the highest level, trophic level 4.

What is the sequence of one organism feeding upon another at a lower trophic level?

food chain

Organisms in the same step in a food chain and depen on the organism in the step before it?

Trophic Level

What is an organisms position in a sequence of energy transfers?

An organism's position in a sequence of energy transfers is determined by its trophic level - where it falls in the food chain. Producers are at the first trophic level, followed by herbivores, then carnivores, and finally decomposers. Each level represents a transfer of energy from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.

What are the tiny organisms that are the lowest links in the food chain?

The lowest organism on a food chain is the primary producer which occupies the first trophic level

How is energy is transferred through trophic levels?

Trophic levels are the positions of organisms in a food chain. Energy is transferred through the trophic levels through ingestion at each level.

The loss of an organism at the bottom of a food chain negatively impacts all organism in the chain true or false?


What is an organism in a food chain that represents a feeding step in the passage of energy and materials through an ecosystem.?

It is a trophic level.Trophic Level.