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Q: Which organism provides oxygen and food in an ecosystem?
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Is a producer the source of all the food in an ecosystem?

Kinda, a producer provides food for all the heterotrophs in an ecosystem, a heterotroph being any organism that consume other organisms for energy. However, sunlight provides food for the producer, so indirectly sunlight provides food for an ecosystem.

What is everything an organism does and needs in its ecosystem?

everything an organism needs in the Eco system is usually........ food, water, sun, and oxygen. And there are ALOT of things that diffrent organisms do in the ecosystem.

How does food chains overlap affect the ecosystem?

food chains overlapping can affect the ecosystem because if an organism eats to much of another organism the balance in the ecosystem is not level.

What type of organism provides the base of a food?

organism provides the base of a food web is grass

What does an organism's habitat provide for that organism?

A habitat provides food, water, and oxygen. It also provide shelter and protection for the animals.

How an organism survives in an ecosystem?

Organisms survive in an ecosystem by being in a food chain or adapting to the resident food web. For an organism to survive in an ecosystem in needs to find a way to belong. Sometimes when an new organism is introduced to an ecosystem they adapt too well and they are classified as an invasive species. The organism will either have to adapt to the ecosystem or die out.

Name the organism that is the source of all food in an ecosystem-?

An organism that is the source of all food in an ecosystem is called a producer. A consumer gets its energy by feeding on other organisms.

What is a simple model that shows how energy is transferred from organism to organism within an ecosystem?

Ecosystem For (A+)

How do organisms survive in an ecosystem?

Organisms survive in an ecosystem by being in a food chain or adapting to the resident food web. For an organism to survive in an ecosystem in needs to find a way to belong. Sometimes when an new organism is introduced to an ecosystem they adapt too well and they are classified as an invasive species. The organism will either have to adapt to the ecosystem or die out.

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What would happen in an ecosystem if there were more organisms that produce carbon dioxide than organisms that produce oxygen?

ecosystem,the sun hits the water and the algae grow.Algae produces oxygen for animals like fish , and provides food for microscopic animals .Absorb oxygen with their gills and expel CO2 which plants then use to grow.