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Q: Which organisms in an ecosystem are responsible for returning usable nitrogen to the ecosystem?
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How organisms put nitrogen back into the ecosystem?

nitrogen fixation. look it up

Describe why nitrogen must cycle through an ecosystem?

Nitrogen must be cycled through an ecosystem so that the nitrogen is available for organisms to make proteins.

Which nutrient do organisms tend to get from their local ecosystem?

The nutrient that organisms get from their local ecosystem is phosphorous. Organisms also get nitrogen from the air and it can also be added to the soil.

What nutrient do organsms tend to get from their local ecosystem?

Organisms tend to get phosphorus from their local ecosystem. An organism can also get nitrogen from its local ecosystem. Nitrogen is added to the organism's local ecosystem by bacteria from the air.

Why must nitrogen cycle through an ecosystem?

Because then the organisms can make protein >_<

What is responsible for making nitrogen in the atmosphere usable by living organisms?

nitrogen fixing bacteria

What organisms are responsible for producing nitrogen compounds?

nitrogen fixing bacteria

What is the importance of the carbon and nitrogen cycle to ecosystem?

They provide materials organisms need to build their bodies.

Which nutrient do organisms tend to get from their local ecosytem?

The nutrient that organisms tend to get from their local ecosystem is phosphorus. They can also get the nutrient nitrogen locally.

A community and all of the nonliving things that affect it?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment. Energy, water, nitrogen and soil minerals are other essential abiotic components of an ecosystem.

What role does decay play in the nitrogen cycle?

The decomposers , bacteria, and fungi, break down waste and dead organisms returning nitrogen they contain back into the soil.

What organisms are responsible for producing nitrogen compounds and what is this process called?

Decomposers are responsible for producing nitrogen compounds, This continual transfer of nitrogen from the non living part of the environment to the living part and back again is called the nitrogen cycle.