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Q: Which organisms would you like to eat?
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What would happen to the organisms in the salt marsh eco-system if the cordgrass died?

The organisms that eat cordgrass will die, then the other organisms, who eat the cordgrass eating organisms, will die of hungry.

Do lamprey eat?

lampreys eat small critter like worms and organisms

What organisms eat the starfish?

i have no idea but i think they may eat shark and stuff like that.

What do lamprey eat?

lampreys eat small critter like worms and organisms

Are animals the only organisms that eat other organisms?

Unless you're a cannibal, yes, animals are the only organisms that eat other organisms. haha i agrreee! what about those plants that eat those flys? like nom nom nom. Plants are animals.

What is most responsible for the decay of organisms?

Decomposers eat the dead organisms. For example, worms and weeds, and sometimes scavengers like crows, vultures and ravens, eat dead organisms. EDIT: Bacteria

What do oystercatches eat?

Variable oystercatchers eat several types of marine organisms. They mainly feed on organisms like earthworms, marine worms, crabs, and mollusks.

How does the environment affect the plants?

Plants are at the bottom of the food chain. They are called autotrophs (organisms that make their own food). Herbivores, like cows, eat the plants in order to get energy (Heterotrphs - organisms that get their energy from consuming other organisms). Then there are the carnivores, like foxes, that kill and eat the herbivorous cows. Finally, us humans are at the top of the food chain. We "eat" everything. If there were no plants or animals, there would be nothing living. The environment would be a barren wasteland with only rocks.

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Organisms that eat producers or other organisms for energy?

Organisms that eat other organisms for energy are hetreotrophs.

Kingdom containing organisms that eat other organisms?

yes all organisms eat organisms * Animal kingdom.

What is paramecium doing?

Paramecium do not have a "function", they are living organisms that eat, drink, and reproduce, just like other living organisms.