

Which organizations can assist those with cerebral palsy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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There are a number of organizations that can assist those with cerebral palsy. Some organizations that may be helpful include BC Cerebral Palsy and the CDC.

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Q: Which organizations can assist those with cerebral palsy?
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Where can one find cerebral palsy support groups online?

Facebook has many Cerebral Palsy Support groups online. If you are looking for a more local group the Cerebral Palsy Organization has a website with many resources and information for those you suffer from Cerebral Palsy or have family members with diagnosed with it.

What type of children's services are offered at the United Cerebral Palsy website online?

The United Cerebral Palsy website offers support services to those with children who have Cerebral Palsy. They offer support and child care links, educations and help finding employment for those with the disability.

How old do people with cerebral plasey live?

Doctors and medical professionals are still not yet experts on giving the life expectancy for people living with cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy gets worse over time affecting gross motor function such as the ability to walk. Adults life expectancy with cerebral palsy depends on the type, severity and associated disabilities. The life expectancy for an adult can range from 30 year old for those with severe cerebral palsy such as feeding difficulties and ridgidity to 60-70 for a milder form of this condition.

Can a child have both cerebral palsy as well as Down syndrome?

Yes, it is possible to have Down Syndrome, a genetic abnormality, and cerebral palsy, a condition caused by oxygen deprivation during a difficult birth. Nothing prevents both of those from happening to the same person.

What are the various levels of cerebral palsy?

There are 3 main types of Cerebral Palsy. 1. Spastic which is stiff and difficult movement. 2. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy which is involuntary and uncontrolled movement 3. Ataxic Cerebral Palsy which is disturbed sense of balance and depth perception There is also Mixed CP which is when any of those 3 are combined. You will often use these terms used with words like Quadriplega which means all 4 limbs are effected. Hemipelgia which means one side is effected. Diplegia which means the legs are the only thing effected, or are the main thing effected

What is the condition disorder cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy is the term used for a group of non progressive disorders of movement and posture caused by abnormal development of, or damage to, motor control centers of the brain

Who invented the speech generating device?

The speech generating device was invented by Dr. Robert Weisenberger in the early 1980s. He designed the device to help individuals with communication impairments, such as those with ALS or cerebral palsy, to communicate effectively.

What are the symptoms of athetoid cerebral palsy?

neurologically based symptoms may include: mental retardation/learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, seizure disorders, visual impairment, hearing loss, speech impairment (dysarthria), abnormal sensation and perception

Where in Syracuse New York can one obtain the services of a cerebral palsy attorney?

You can obtain the services of this type of attorney in many places in Syracuse. There is one in New York (the city) called Bonina and Bonina, who offer their services to those who have children who were injured during childbirth.

What affects the prognosis for those with agenesis of the corpus callosum?

The prognosis for ACC varies according to the presence and severity of associated problems such as microcephaly (small head), seizures, cerebral palsy, and cerebral dysgenesis.

What is a brief history of Marino Clinic in Bray Wicklow Ireland for children with CP?

The Marino Clinic in Bray Co. Wicklow, Ireland was a clinic for the care and education of children with Cerebral Palsy. The original building is not used anymore.' There is now a school built beside the old building. This is also for children with Cerebral Palsy. In the early days children with CP used to live in the clinic, as well as attend Primary School was in the building, itself. The children were looked after by staff known as House Mothers, there were also nurses in the clinic. and a physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist. I'm not sure when the clinic was build but I guess it must have been in the 1940s. I was one of those children.'

Recognizing The Symptoms Of Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a medical condition in which the body's motor functions are impacted by problems with the brain and nervous system. This causes problems for patients with motor functions such as seeing, hearing, thinking, moving, and learning. Some of the symptoms of cerebral palsy include the following: muscle weakness, muscles that are tight and are unable to move very much, increased drooling, joint contracture, issues with walking, person walks on their toes, abnormal body movements such as jerking and twisting the hands, feet, arms, and legs, poor coordination, tremors, joints that move a lot, seizures, pain, hearing issues, vision issues, and a gait. It is important for parents of infants to recognize when their child reaches their milestones. For example, milestones such as being able to hold their head up and crawling should be reached before three months. Often children with developmental delays are diagnosed with forms of cerebral palsy. Children are typically diagnosed with this medical condition before they are twenty four months old. The condition is not a genetic one. The problems in the brain typically occur while the child is developing during the nine months until birth in the mother's uterus. Sometimes if a mother develops rubella while pregnant then the baby will develop cerebral palsy. When the child is born medical events such as bleeding in the brain, serious cases of jaundice, meningitis, encephalitis, and head injuries can cause the condition to occur also. Sadly, there is no cure for cerebral palsy yet so the only option for doctors is to try and treat the symptoms of the condition. Some children have very mild forms of the condition while others develop very serious forms and have issues with learning disabilities. These children often have to go to special education schools to help them deal with their disabilities. Nurses, home health aides, and other attendants are often needed for children with severe forms of cerebral palsy because they often cannot walk and are wheel chair bound. Those that cannot see because of vision issues and are wheel chair bound will most likely need twenty four hour care for the rest of their lives. It is important for parents to contact a medical professional early on if their child shows symptoms of the condition because early intervention can help the child have better results.