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Venus is closest to the Earths size and mass - often referred to as Earths sister or twin planet. Venus' Mass is around 82% of Earths, while its diameter is a little smaller than Earths at around 95% of Earths diameter.

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Q: Which other planet in the solar system closest in size to the earth?
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What other planets are closest to the earth?

The planet that can come closest to Earth is Venus. Mars is next, then Mercury.

Is earth closer to sun?

The planet Earth is closer to the sun than five other planets. The planet closest to the sun is Mercury followed by Venus and then Earth.

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The planet that is closest to Earth depends on where the other planets are in relation to Earth. Venus can come the closest when it is on the same side of the Sun as the Earth, but Mars can be closest when Venus is on the far side of the Sun and Mars is on the same side of the sun as Earth.

What is the planet closest to the earth?

The planet that can get closest to the Earth is Venus. When it is at its closest (inferior conjunction) it gets as close as 41 million km. The planets are orbiting the sun at different rates though, the closer they are to the sun, the faster they orbit. This movement relative to each other means that sometimes Mercury may be the closest planet, sometimes Venus and sometimes Mars. One of these inner planets maybe on `our` side of the solar system, while the other two maybe on the other side. As of 1-June-2011 (for example) Mercury is the closest, with Earth on one side of the solar system and Mercury, Venus and Mars on the opposite side (the sun is actually closer than any of the other inner planets as of this date).

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There is no such planet known. In our solar system, the planet whose moon is closest in size to the planet which it orbits is none other than our own planet Earth. However, the Moon is still much smaller than the Earth. Pluto has a Moon that's big, but Pluto isn't a "planet" now, of course.

What planet moon is close to the size of the planet?

There is no such planet known. In our solar system, the planet whose moon is closest in size to the planet which it orbits is none other than our own planet Earth. However, the Moon is still much smaller than the Earth. Pluto has a Moon that's big, but Pluto isn't a "planet" now, of course.

Is the earth a giant planet?

The Earth is a planet if that is what you are asking. It is a planet in our solar system. However compared to the the relative size of other planets in the solar system earth is quite an average size.

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Our own Sun (also called Sol) is the nearest star to planet Earth, the next nearest is Proxima Centauri.

Does the sun or moon orbit the earth?

Earth's moon orbits the Earth however other planets have moons as well, often several per planet. All planets in our solar system orbit the sun, our closest star.

Is earth part of your outer solar system?

Earth is part of the inner solar system, as it's only the third planet from the Sun. Mercury is the closest, followed by Venus and then Earth, with Mars the fourth planet from the Sun. The outer solar system probably begins with Jupiter, as it lies considerably further away than the first four planets do to each other.

Which planet in the solar system is the closest size to the earth?

Venus is closest, earth is related to venus by dust( everthing is) but earth was made by venus and another planet smashing into each other and the other planer exploded the dust formed earth( im 10 in 5 th grade so learn this)