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Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine have 7 valence electrons.

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Q: Which p-block has 7 valence electrons C O CL AL?
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How many valence electrons does cl- have?

Cl has 7 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons does BeCl2 have?

Since Be is in the 2nd group, it should have 2 valence electrons and Cl should have 7 (in 7th group), and since there is 2 Cl, then there is 14. Add 14 Cl electrons and 2 Be electrons to get 16 electrons (valence, not total)

What is the number of valence electrons in Ca and Cl?

2 valence electrons for calcium and 7 for chlorine.

How many electrons does (anion) CL have?

Chloride anion has 8 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons need to be accommodated in the Lewis structure for LiCl?

You will have 8 valence electrons around Cl (it usually has 7 but gained one from Li). There are no valence electrons to show around Li because it gave it's valence electron to Cl. Answered by a chemistry teacher.

What is valency of an element having atomic number 20?

H, Li, Na, K = 1valence electrons Be, Mg, Ca = 2 valence electrons B, Al = 3 valence electrons C, Si = 4 valence electrons N, P = 5 valence electrons O, S = 6 valence electrons F, Cl = 7 valence electrons He, Ne. Ar = 0 because they are noble gases and all their electron shells are full

What has more valence electrons than oxygen?

All halogen elements have 7 valence electrons (group 17): F, Cl, Br, I, At.

Which symbols represents a chlorine ion with a stable arrangement of eight valence electrons?


What element have 7 valence electrons?

For example halogens: F, Cl, Br, I, At.

How many total electrons and valence electrons are found in an atom of Cl?

In an atom of Cl, there are 7 valence electrons. If you look at a Chemistry Reference table (2002 edition) pages 8 and 9, (visit the link below), you can see that underneath Cl there are the numbers 2-8-7. The last number is the number of valence electrons. This is found for any element on the Period table.

The electron dot structure for Cl?

There are 3 shells. The first containing 2 electrons then the second containing 8 electrons and the third(the valence shell) containing 7. In total it has 17 electrons. This should help:

Valence electrons are in the compound CH3Cl?

There are 20 valence electrons in CH2Cl2. C => 4 e-* x 1 (number of C in chemical formula) = 04 v.e-** H => 1 e- x 2 = 02 v.e- Cl => 7 e- x 2 = 14 v.e- CH2Cl2 = 20 v.e- *e- - this means electrons in short form **v.e- - this means valence electrons in short form