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This pair is Li-Mg.

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Q: Which pair is different from other in Li-Mg Na-K Ca-Mg B-Al?
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Why does a lone pair of electrons occupy more space on an atom?

It doesn't exactly occupy more space, but it has a different shape to a bond pair. In a bond pair we have two positive nuclei, with most of the density of the bonding electron pair between the atoms. The outer nucleus attracts the bond pair outwards from the central atom. In a lone pair there is only the central atom to attract the electrons, so they are pulled in more than the bond pair, producing a fatter, squatter shape. This means that more of the electron density is near the central atom than with a bond pair, which makes it more effective at repelling the other electron pairs. Thus there is a difference in the amount of repulsion between different sorts of pair, meaning that he angles between them are different too, in the order, from greatest to least, lone pair-lone pair, lone pair-bond pair, bond pair-bond pair.

What is a lone pair?

A lone pair is a pair of electrons in an atom that is not involved in bonding with other atoms. It is often represented as a pair of dots in Lewis structures and can influence the shape and reactivity of molecules.

In a nonbonding pair of electrons in the valence shell of an atom is called?

A nonbonding pair of electrons in the valence shell of an atom is called a lone pair or nonbonding pair of electrons. These electrons are not involved in forming chemical bonds with other atoms but still influence the atom's shape and reactivity.

What is A pair of electrons not involved in bonding called?

A pair of electrons not involved in bonding is called a lone pair. These electrons are typically found on the outer shell of an atom and do not participate in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.

What is the definition of Lewis Acids and Bases?

Lewis acids are electron pair acceptors, while Lewis bases are electron pair donors. In other words, Lewis acids are substances that can accept an electron pair to form a new bond, whereas Lewis bases are substances that can donate an electron pair to form a new bond.

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Yes, a trait controlled by a dominant gene will be expressed even if the instructions of the corresponding gene in the other half of the pair are different.

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