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Q: Which paper airplane flies further the dart or the custom?
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What kind of paper airplane flies the farthest?

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Which flies paper airplane or foil airplane?

Paper, because it is much lighter, and a foil airplane will take up much more mass.

How does the wingspan of a paper airplane affects the it flies?

Yes. A wider winspan will make a paper airplane fly farther.

Which type of homemade paper airplane flies best?


Will a crumbled up airplane fly further then a regular paper airplane?

No , a crumpled up airplane will have problems with the air not flowing smoothly across the wings .

Why would a paper airplane go further than another?

beacause it has air loaded

Does the type of paper affect how far an airplane flies?

well some paper can be more heavy than other paper so yes

The longest duration for a paper airplane to stay aloft indoors is how many seconds?

A paper airplane by ken Blackburn is the longest to stay aloftin 27.9 secs. but a walkalong glider flies long too but it is not a paper airplane because you still need to cut tape and fold.

Dose the size of a paper airplane depend on how far they go?

the longer a paper air plane gets up until 13in the further it flys.

Does a hole affect a paper airplane?

The effect of a hole on a paper airplane would depend on the type of paper airplane the hole is on, and where it is on the aircraft.

What paper airplane flies the best arrow dart or moth?

moth because its flight path is very precise.

What paper airplane goes farther notebook paper construction paper copy paper?

i think the construction paper airplane will fly farther