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Which parasite can most likely cause these signs with heavy infestation: anemia, itching and hypersensitivity.

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Q: Which parasite can most likely cause these signs with heavy infestation anemia itching and hypersensitivity?
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What causes iron deficiency anemia in developing countries?

In developing countries located in tropical climates, the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia is infestation with hookworm.

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Take iron pills

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flea infestation can cause a puppy to develop anemia and die if left untreated

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Terramycin has several side effects. These include various gastrointestinal problems, skin rashes, photosensitivity, hypersensitivity, renal toxicity, and anemia.

What is the most disgusting parasite?

The most disgusting parasite would have to be the hookworm. mostly because The eggs will hatch within about a week and grow into larvae which can live for close to a month within the soil of the earth or the feces which bore them. the worm will attach itself to the intestinal wall and begin feeding on the host's blood. If left undetected and untreated the hookworm can reproduce resulting in a serious intestinal infestation. it could lead to horrible things such as anemia, extreme abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue

What is the symptoms of neurocysticercosis in dogs?

Neurocysticerocisis is a parasite tapeworm in the brain. Some symptoms are anemia and loss of appetite. You will need to have the dogs seen by a vet.

Is bottle jaw in sheep contagious to humans?

No. It only affects sheep or goats. Anemia and "bottle jaw", the accumulation of fluid under the lower jaw, occur primarily with an infestation of the worm H. contortus.

What is an AAA?

In the context of cardiovascular health, this is an ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article.

Is it okay to not treat parasite in dogs?

No, it's not. Parasite infestation can lead to a multitude of diseases like: * Pruritus * Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) * Tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) * Anemia * Lyme disease * Human granulocytic and monocytic ehrlichiosis * Babesiosis * Relapsing fever * Rocky Mountain spotted fever * Colorado tick fever * Tularemia * Q fever * Tick paralysis If you really care for your pet, take the time to rid it of parasites and avoid these diseases. If you don't, do it for your own sake. Remember, most parasites do not care to which breed their host belongs -- they can be canine or human. I suggest you consult your vet before you need to consult a physician.

What survival values are there for those who carry a mutated version of the sickle cell anemia gene?

They have a very strong immunity towards the deadly parasite malaria. The reason for this immunity is because the sickle shaped cells made by the mutated hemoglobin gene have a very short life span, and therefore cannot transport the parasite around the body in time.