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AGP was designed for video controllers only. PCI-E can work with any compatible device.

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Q: Which part connects to the PCI express or AGP buses?
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What buses are commonly used by graphics cards?

PCI , AGP and PCI Express

Which of the following expansion buses are most commonly used for video cards in modern computer system?

AGP PCI Express

What are four types of buses that might be on a motherboard today?

It can have several buses, including the system bus, the PCI Express bus, the PCI bus, the AGP bus, and the outdated ISA bus.

Does AGP transfers data at the same speed as PCI Express?

No AGP is older and slower. AGP was superseded PCI Express in 2004.

Why would you prefer to use PCI Express for the video card rather than AGP?

PCI express is about twice as fast as AGP and will ultimately replace AGP.

Can agp plug into pci 16?

No, they are physically different buses.

Is agp quickly being replaced by pci express?

It's safe to say that agp has already been replaced by pci express.

The AGP slot and the PCI express X16 slot are both designed for network adapters?

No.. AGP is the Graphics Port and PCI Express is Multi-Purpose..

Which is faster a pci express bus or the latest agp bus?

PCI Express

Why should you prefer to use PCI express for the video card rather than AGP?

It twice as fast as Agp x8 and will ultimately replace AGP

When selecting a motherboard why would you prefer to use PCI Express for the video card rather than AGP?

PCI express x16 is much faster than AGP.

Which is faster a PCI Express x16 bus or the latest AGP bus?

The PCI Express x16 is intended to ultimately replace the AGP bus along with the PCI-X and the Conventional PCI.