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The ozone layer, located near the stratosphere.

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Q: Which part of atmosphere screens out the harm full radiations from the sun?
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The ozone protects life on earth by absorbing certain wavelengths of ultraviolet radiations. These radiations are high frequency radiations which can cause serious harm to living organisms.

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so that the harmful radiations do not come out of the reactor and harm the living organisms including human beings. because many of the radiations can cause severe damage

Why is the layer important?

The ozone layer is very important as it blocks the harmful UV radiations from the sun. These radiations are high frequency and can harm living organisms as well as upset the balance of nature.

What is the job of the ozone layer that surrounds the earth high in the atmosphere?

The ozone layer present in the stratosphere region is something which has got a greater job to do than rest of the people on earth. It protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun. These radiations could harm the human race and can cause problems like skin cancer, suppression of immune system and eye cataract.

Why is the onzone layer important?

The ozone layer is very important as it blocks the harmful UV radiations from the sun. These radiations are high frequency and can harm living organisms as well as upset the balance of nature.

What are the disadvantages of radiations?

Radioactive radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays, is dangerous and can harm, and even kill living things.

Is drinking pure water harm full?

is drinking distilled water harm full for humans

Is nuclear reactors harm full?

your grammar is appalling! plus it's 'harmful' not 'harm full.'

Is the sun ultra violent rays maybe harmful to skin?

Yes they are harmful. Sun's ultraviolet radiations are fatal and cause harm to the skin.