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The mid to lateral aspect of the anterior portion of the collar bone is sometimes fractured by a seatbelt during a violent collision.

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Q: Which part of the collar bone is fractured from a seatbelt?
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Why do you have a lump where your collar bone was fractured?

Assuming the bone was set right (if it wasn't, the misalignment may be the cause), the lump is part of the natural process of bone-healing. The bone will form a clot around the break, which then solidifies by basically growing into bone. The resulting lump stays where it grow and makes that point stronger than before.

What part of which bone is fractured to cause loss of the sense of smell?

The cribriform of the ethmoid bone causes anosmia.

What is the weakest bone in cranium?

The pterion is known as the weakest part of the skull. The pterion may be fractured by wither a direct or indirect blow. It also protects the anterior part of the middle meningeal artery, which can be ruptured from a blow to the pterion.

Is clavicle a part of the skeletal system?

yes, the clavicle is your collar bone

What part of a human body hasn't a horse got?

a collar bone.

What is the scientific word of collar bone?

The Medical term for the Collar Bone is called the 'CLAVICLE'.The clavicle or the collarbone makes up the top part of the pectoral (shoulder) girdle.

What part of a humans body doesnt a horse have?

collar bone, toes or fingers

What part of the body is located above the woman's breast?

The clavicle or collar-bone.

What is a sentence with the word anterior in it?

It's a medical term to describe location. The anterior part of the bone was fractured.

What part of bone was fractured to cause loss of smell?

Ethmoid bone (specifically cribriform plate). Olfactory nerve must traverse it in order to enter the brain.

What part of the Body Starts with C?

chin, collar bone, cells, cheeks, chondromalacia