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The white around the yolk., The yolk is the embryo.

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It is the seed coat.

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Q: Which part of the egg keeps the embryo from drying out?
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Why do eggs have yoke?

The egg yolk is the main source of food for a developing embryo, and the albumin (egg white) supplies other nutrients as well as water to prevent the embryo from drying out.

What adaptations does a reptiles egg have to keep it from dying out?

the shell keeps the egg from drying out by that I mean it keeps it moist or by leaving it it a wet dry area

What part of the frog egg grows into an embryo?

The little black dot in the egg is the part that grows into an embryo.

What is the function of eggyolk and eggwhite?

The egg yolk is the part of the egg which feeds the developing embryo. The egg white protects the egg yolk and and provides additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo.

Why is there a yolk inside an egg?

An egg yolk is the part of an egg which serves as the food source for the developing embryo inside.

Is a yoke the yellow part in the middle of a n egg?

An egg yolk is a part of an eggwhich feeds the developing embryo. So, yes.

What is the yellow part of an egg called?

The yellow part is called the yolk, and if fertilized develops into the embryo.

What allows terrestrial reproduction reptiles have an egg containing?

Most reptiles reproduce sexually although some species reproduce asexually. Upon fertilization, the embryo develops inside an egg with a calcaeous shell. This egg serves to protect the embryo, prevents drying out of the amniotic layer, and allows for efficient gas exchange.

What might happen to a reptile egg if part of its shell were removed?

The embryo will die.

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Does all of the early embryo become part of the chicken?

No , the "white" part of the egg is the food of the developing chick

What is the yellow part of an egg called that is eaten?

The yellow part of an egg is called the 'yolk' and its purpose is to feed the developing embryo (chick).