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The information about how to synthesize a certain amino acid sequence (which makes up a protein) is stored in the DNA of the nucleus.

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Ribosomes that's where the protien occurs

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the mitochondrion

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Q: Which part of the plant cell stores information about making protein?
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What part of the plant stores information about protein?


What part of the plant cell stores information about protein?


What part of a plant cell stores information?

A plant doesnt know information

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What is a nucleus a part of a plant cell?

a nucleus is the part which stores the information about the plant such as what flowers it produces etc

How do you produce therapeutic proteins by plants?

Therapeutic proteins can be produced in plants by introducing the gene encoding the protein of interest into the plant's DNA. The plant then produces the protein during its growth and development. The therapeutic protein can be extracted from the plant and purified for use in medical treatments.

Is endoplasmic reticulum an animal or plant cell?

Both, ER (endoplasmic reticulum) is in both the animal and plant cell. It helps in the protein-making process by synthesizing and transporting the protein. This is something both animal and plant cells need, hence the prescence of the endoplasmic reticulum in both types of cells.

Is endoplasmic reticulum plant or animals cells?

Both, ER (endoplasmic reticulum) is in both the animal and plant cell. It helps in the protein-making process by synthesizing and transporting the protein. This is something both animal and plant cells need, hence the prescence of the endoplasmic reticulum in both types of cells.

How is nitrogen part of the biosphere?

Nitrogen is part of the biosphere through the nitrogen cycle. It is essential for the growth of living organisms, as it is a key component of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is converted into forms that can be used by plants through processes like nitrogen fixation, and then it is transferred through the food chain as organisms consume each other.

Which protein is usually given the 'superior' names?

Plant Protein

What does the nuculous do for a plant cell?

it stores all the plants genetic information and tells the cell what to do

What molecule is used to store genetic information?

DNA stores genetic information but other molecule which also serve as genetic material is RNA which is found generally in plant viruses. So both DNA & RNA are genetic material. DNA stores genetic information but other molecule which also serve as genetic material is RNA which is found generally in plant viruses.