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Q: Which part of the water cycle is where water in the gas stage is changed into a liquid?
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Example of condensation gas to liquid?

In the water cycle when the water vapors are changed to liquid

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What happens during the evaporation stage of the water cycle?

During evaporation liquid water is transformed in vapors (gaseous water).

What does vapor mean in the water cycle?

The clouds seen in the sky is formed from water vapour. It is water that has changed from a liquid into a gas (vapour).

What causes the condensation stage of the water cycle?

The clouds move away from the sun, cooling down then the water vapor turns to liquid.

Which of the stage of the water cycle is caused when water absorbs heat energy from the Sun?

evaporation!!The stages of the water cycle is caused when water absorbs heat energy from the sun is evaporation because the hint the question gives you is absorbs and absorb means take in. Evaporation means is a type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous phase that is not saturated with the evaporating substance.

What does liquid mean in the water cycle?

Liquid describes state of matter. It exists as water in water cycle.

What is the common stage between acid rain and the water cycle?

what is the common stage between acid rain and water cycle

Why is the water cycle a physical change?

because during a water cycle only the state of the water molecules are changed i.e. first from liquid to vapour and then to solid (snow and hailstorm) or liquid (rain). since there is a change only in the physical state of water and there is no change in the chemical properties of the water molecule it is a physical change.

What stage in the water cycle is water taken in?

Water is taken in in first stage, evaporation. It return back in third stage.