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Q: Which parts of the water cycle area caused by the force of gravity?
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Which force refers to the movement of the solid parts of the earth?

the force refers to the movement of solid parts in the earth is what you call the gravity.

Why earth shape is the spherical?

Gravity exhibits equal force on all parts, so the distance from the center is about the same on all parts of earth.

Do protostars form when gravity causes dense parts of a star-forming nebulae to expand?

No. A protostar forms when gravity causes dense parts of a nebula to collapse. Since gravity is an attractive force it does not make any sense that it would cause something to expand.

What force did Sir Isaac Newton discover that applies to all objects in all parts of the universe?

obviously gravity how it fell on his head and he new that there was something called gravity ( how can u not no ) ....looser !

What are the three parts of the time cycle?

What are the 3 parts of the time cycle

What are 4 msin parts of the water cycle?

The 4 main parts of the water cycle are:evaporation , condensation, precipitation,collection. These parts form basis of water cycle.

What are the parts or components of the cycle?

Which type of cycle do you mean?

Is mechanical weathering caused by?

Gravity plays a small part in mechanical weathering but temperature, weather, animals, plants, water and wind play much bigger parts.

Is the force of gravity weaker in different parts of the solar system?

The gravity from a specific object (for example, the Sun) will become weaker if you go farther away from that object. The law of gravitation in general, and the gravitational constant, seems to be the same everywhere in the Universe.

How many business cycle did the us economy have between 1980 and 2001?

23. Unless you count the time they ran out of parts for Regan which caused the energy crisis of 1973!

Which parts of the water cycle are biotic and non-biotic?

The Biotic parts of a water cycle is water and the abiotic is clouds

Will the value of gravity change greatly in different parts of the city why?

On earth the gravity is 9.81 m/s^2 . I think. Im learning it in Physics right now. But i do know that on Earth, gravity never changes. Its constant.