

Which party is against The US Constitution?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Which party is against The US Constitution?
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A two party system did develop in the US. The US did adopt the constitution. So the answer is yes.

What year was the Constitution Party founded in the United States?

The Constitution Party (In the United States) was founded by Howard Philips in 1991. It was originally founded as the US Taxpayer's Party in 1992 but changed its name in 1999 to the Constitution Party.

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with the rise of the Constitution there came along those who were for it, federalists, and those who were against it, Anti-federalists. These can be seen as the first political parties.

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The Constitution is not a reason the two-party system developed in the United States.

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The Constitution is not a reason the two-party system developed in the United States.

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The Republican Party as a whole, were against slavery. President Lincoln was a Republican. The Republican party was is the party of the republic, (a republic is the form of government the founders and framers designed), which is the United States. The party was created to give American's that believed in the Constitution a party to stand with. The Constitution is against slavery and so is the republic. The republican party was the first to have an African American and former Slave, Fredrick Douglass, as a vice presidential candidate.

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The symbol for the Constitution party is an eagle.