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Q: Which person was a Putitan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of Massachusetts ruled?
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This person was a Puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of the Massachusetts ruled?

thomas hooker

What happened to those people who disagreed with leaders in Massachusetts?

They disagreed because they were not free and did not agree with there rules. This is why they disagreed with the leaders of Massachusetts. <3333

Who was the person a was puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of Massachusetts ruled?

There were a number of Puritan ministers and church members who came to disagree with how the colony was being run, but you are probably thinking of Roger Williams. He was among the best-known dissenters and he so strongly disagreed with the colony's Puritan leaders that he left Massachusetts and founded what became Rhode Island.

Who was a puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of massechusetts ruled?

Roger Williams.. For Sure.

Why did some of the colonists disagree with the leaders of Massachusetts?

Some of the colonists disagreed with the leaders of Massachusetts since they did not want to go to war with England. They held the opinion that Massachusetts has provoked the war and they should fight on their own.

Why did some colonists disagreed with the leaders of Massachusetts?

because they all didn't have the same opinion as others did

Why did Thomas Hooker leave the colony Massachusetts bay?

Thomas Hooker was forced to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He had to leave when he disagreed with the Puritan leaders.

Who was the Puritan minister who disagrees with the way the leaders of the Massachusetts ruled?

david Thomson

Why did the why did the colonists disagree with the leader of Massachusetts?

Some of the colonists disagreed with the leaders of Massachusetts since they did not want to go to war with England. They held the opinion that Massachusetts has provoked the war and they should fight on their own.

Who was a Puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of Massachusetts ruled?

There were a number of Puritan ministers and church members who came to disagree with how the colony was being run, but you are probably thinking of Roger Williams. He was among the best-known dissenters and he so strongly disagreed with the colony's Puritan leaders that he left Massachusetts and founded what became Rhode Island.

This person was a puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of masssechusetts ruled?

Roger Williams. For Sure.

Who disagreed with the puritan leaders?

anne hutchinson's