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Q: Which phenomenon is used to study the inside of the earth?
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What is the study of earth and how is it used?

The study of the earth is geology, and it is used to find what has happened in earth's past so we can get an idea what might happen in the earth's future.

What is the study of the Earth and how is used?

The study of the earth is geology, and it is used to find what has happened in earth's past so we can get an idea what might happen in the earth's future.

Rocks that have magnetic fields that point south show?

that they were formed when Earth's magnetic field was reversed, with the magnetic north pole being near the geographic south pole. This phenomenon is known as paleomagnetism and is used to study the history of Earth's magnetic field and plate tectonics.

What is a 9 letter word for the study of the earth and how it is used?

geography Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere.

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study of the earth

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Phenology is the study, theory, and practice of prison management and criminal rehabilitation. So there are no specific physical tools that are used to practice it as compared to the study of any other social phenomenon.

How do we know that earth is hot?

Heat escapes from the inside of the Earth. This can be used for geothermal energy. If you drill deep down inside the Earth, deeper down it is hotter than at the surface.

How are satellites used to study the earth?

it orbits the earth and gathers informationusing both television cameras and electronic sensors

What term is used for the study if nonliving parts of earth?

One possibility: Geology.