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natural selection is part of this

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Q: Which physical changes occur in organisms which allow them to be better suited to live in a certain environment?
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How do organisms respond to long term changes in the environment?

They Began to Adapt to the changes over a certain period of time

How changes in the environment affect a community of organisms?

how changes in the environment affect a community of organisms

What is anything in the environment that causes a reaction or change in an organism?

Certain chemicals and radiation in the environment can cause a reaction or mutation in an organism. Such changes may alter organisms genotype or phenotype. Chemicals that induce changes in organisms DNA is called mutagens.

What is a indicator organisms?

Indicator organisms are organisms that are sensitive to changes in the environment. When populations of indicator species changes, it can signal a change in the environment that will eventually effect other species as well.

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What is organic indicator?

Indicator organisms are organisms that are sensitive to changes in the environment. When populations of indicator species changes, it can signal a change in the environment that will eventually effect other species as well.

What is an outer environment?

organisms respond to the changes of weather and seasons.

Why do certain physical changes happen to adolescents?

Hormonal changes

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What were Darwin's ideas for natural selection?

The process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more offspring.

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What happens to a species when the environment changes and the organisms do not adapt?

it doesn't grow normaly