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Q: Which places in the country received evacuees in ww2?
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Who went with evacuees in WW2?

their siblings

Where evacuees aloud teddies?

Evacuees in WW2 were allowed teddies. Many pictures of evacuees boarding the trains have children with teddies.

What games could children play as ww2 evacuees?

board games

How many children became evauees during WW2?

there was 1.3 million official evacuees

Where did they send World War 2 evacuees?

The evacuees went to these locations: Dorset, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, all of Wales, The Lake District in the Northwest, The Highlands of Scotland, and the south coast. Some places the children and adults were evacuated to such as Plymouth and Bristol were bombed so they had to move the kids again to other places.

Evacuee name tag?

A name tag is somthing what evacuees had to were in ww2 so people would now how the kids are

What happened to evacuees?

With all the bombing in Britain in WW2 children were sent away. They were called evacuees. They were sent to live either with relatives in the countryside, or random people, away from all the major cities which were being bombed at this time.

What was life like for evacuees and people who looked after them ww2?

Life was sad and scary because you might not be able to see your family any more.

Where were Scottish evacuees sent to during world war 2?

i don't know hte @nswer. looking for the same answer for my ww2 homework. :( scottish evacuees were sent to main part of Scotland to fight off the Japanese in planes with ak ak guns hoped this helped :) sorry that was soldiers scottish evacuees were sent to countryside such an hils and the highlands

What allied country received the largest share of German reparations after ww2?

its kind of a tie between the soviet union the us and the uk

What are the advantages of living in the country durin World War 2?

You'd have lots of space to play, jobs to do, you'd not get bombed (thank god!) and you'd get lots of nice evacuees to play with! :p hope I can help. I'm doin a project on WW2 at the mo so just had to help! xx

Why couldn't did evacuees in the ww2 war any clothes because they had to wear certain clothes to impress the wardan?

Because they probley was poor and only could pay for brown old stuff