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All the planets outside Earth experience a weaker gravity pull from the Sun. Neptune at a distance of 30 astronomical units is 30 times further from the Sun, and gravity from the Sun is 1/900 as strong.

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Q: Which planet's gravitional attraction to the sun is weaker?
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Why do planets have less gravity then the Sun?

Planets have less mass than the sun, hence, they have weaker gravitational fields.

Does the sun have gravitional pull?

Yes, It has a strong gravitational pull. Without the gravitational pull, none of the planets would orbit it.

What keeps all of the planets in its orbit?

Gravitational attraction to the sun

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The Sun`s gravity holds all the planets in orbit in space.The gravitational attraction from our Sun.

What is the unbalanced centripetal force that keeps planets in orbit around the sun?

The gravitational attraction by the Sun.

Why does it take the pouter planets so long to orbit the sun?

The outer planets take longer to orbit the Sun, because they are farther away from the Sun. It make its gravitational pull weaker to the farther planets. That means that the outer planets take longer to orbit the Sun.

Where does force needed to keep planets orbiting the sun come from?

The force is provided by the Sun's gravitational attraction.

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The gravitational attraction from our Sun holds the planets in orbit.

How does the sun hold the planets in orbit?

The Sun's gravity is trying to pull the planets towards it. But the planets have their own velocities and all the Sun's gravitational attraction is needed to stop the planets moving away from the Sun. The result is that the planets orbit the Sun.

What will happen if your universe electrically charged?

the planets will have same charge where sun will bhi oppositly charged .. the attraction between planets n sun will be increased due to which the galaxy will end . because the planets come near to sun and planets will be destroyed

Does the sun have the same pull on the other planets?

The further the planet is from the sun, the weaker the gravitational pull. Outer planets even move through space much slower than inner planets due to this.

What is the gravitional pull on the Earth in miles exerted by other planets. How much closer do we get to the sun when Earth is close to Venus as they pass?

well look in the damn dicktionary!