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Q: Which planet's sun rays are seven times stronger than earth's?
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What planets suns rays are seven times stronger than earths?

The one closer to the sun.

How many times stronger is Neptune's gravity compared to earth's gravity?

91% of earths gravity.

Is the pull of earths gravity 3 times stronger then earth?

need to re-word that question... makes no sense

How does the suns gravity compares to earths gravity?

The sun gravity is stronger

Is a full grown chimp stronger than an adult man?

Yes, about seven times stronger than the average person.

How strong are orangutans?

approximately four to seven times stronger than humans.

What exoplanet is five times the radius of earth and five times the earths mass?

No planets have been found that are 5 Earth-masses and 5 Earth-radii.

Is Jupiter have stronger or weaker gravity than earth?

If you could do the measurements at the same distance from both planets, you'd find that the gravitational forces between you and Jupiter would be about 318 times as strong as the forces between you and the Earth.

What is the size range among the planets?

Mercury is around 4,880km in diameter, the smallest planet, while Jupiter has the largest diameter of all the planets in our solar system, 142,985km at the equator (11.2 times that of earths).

How many planets can fit the sun?

The Sun has a radius 100 times that of the Earth which means that about 1,000,000 (1 million) Earths would fit into the Sun!

How many times larger are the planets of the solar system?

Mercury's volume is equivalent to 0.056 x Earths Venus' volume = 0.857 x Earths (Earth) volume = 1 x Earths Mars' volume = 0.151 x Earths Jupiter's volume = 1321.3 x Earths Saturn's volume = 763.59 x Earths Uranus' volume = 63.086 x Earths Neptune's volume = 57.74 x Earths

Which two inner planets have atmospheres that consist of mostly carbon dioxide?

Venus and Mars. The difference is that Venus atmospheric pressure is around 93 times that of Earths, while Mars' atmospheric pressure is only 0.7% of Earths.