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It was Saturn, because he thought Saturn's rings looked like ears.

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Q: Which planet did Galileo think might have ears?
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Which planet was first seen by Galileo in 1610. He described it as the planet with ears?

Galileo described Saturn as having "ears" after he became the first person to observe it through a telescope. The existence of Saturn was known for thousands of years before Galileo.

Which planet has ears?

When Galileo first observed Saturn through a telescope, he thought that it had ears. We now know that these "ears" were Saturn's rings.

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When was the planet Mars first observed?

Mars has been known for thousands of ears that it is different than the stars and was first observed via telescope by Galileo in 1609.

Are Elephants ears are better or Bats?

I think they are both exactly the same but elephant ears might be just a little better.

Who discovered Saturn and when did they find it?

Galileo galile in 1611 discovered Saturn and thought it had ears

What year was Saturn discovered?

The rings ofSaturn were discovered in the year of 1610 by a man named Galileo. He was the first to observe the planet though a telescope. At first, because of the tilt of the rings, he thought the planet had "ears". But he was a careful and consistent observer. He soon realized that what he was seeing was a ring . Saturn itself has been observed since ancient times.

When dogs howl at ringing or whistling sounds does it hurt their ears or are they singing?

Dogs are very sensative to it so I think it might hurt their ears. But who knows maybe they could be singing :)

Why do kids put beans in their ears?

I know when i put beans in my ears or nose its because they fit so perfectly. or sometimes i think i might be able to eat them via ear drum.

Five pairs of ears?

One thing with five pairs of ears might be a rowboat with five people inside. Another five pairs of ears might be ten ears of corn. There is no creature that has five pairs of ears.

Who first described Saturn's rings?

Galileo was the first person we know who pointed a telescope at Saturn. In his writings he mentioned that he saw that Saturn has "ears".

How do you remove that continuing noise in my ears?

if there is a ringing in your ears it might be tinnitus. You cant get rid of it