

Best Answer

According to this website,, Neptune. If you mean rings, Saturn.

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Q: Which planet did Voyager 2 discover moons and rings around it in 1989?
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On which planet did voyager discover 2 new moons and rings in 1989?


What planet did Voyager 2 discover new moons and rings around it in 1989?

jupiter had it's rings found by nassa

Voyager 2 found new moons around what planet in 1989?

Voyager 2 found five new moons around Neptune in 1989.NaiadThalassaDespinaLarissaProteus

Voyager 2 found new moons and rings around this planet?


Where did voyager 2 discover moons?

In Neptune

Voyager 2 discovered new moons and rings around me in 1989?

Voyager 2 discovered 5 new moons and 4 new rings around Neptune.

Are there moons and stars on planet earth?

No, there are not moons or stars ON planet earth, but there are moons and stars around planet earth. == ==

What was the purpose of Voyager 2 when it flew by Neptune?

The purpose of Voyager 2's flyby of Neptune in 1989 was to study the planet's atmosphere, magnetic field, and moons. It provided valuable data and close-up images of Neptune and its moons, expanding our understanding of the outer solar system.

Which planet has Pandora as one of its moons?

Pandora is one of Saturn's moons, discovered in 1980 by the Voyager 1 space probe. Its quite small and is one of the inner moons of Saturn.

How many moons of Neptune did voyager find?

voyager found 13 moons.

Do Mar's moons revolve around Mars?

All planets moons revolve around their planet, no matter how many moons the planet has. Mars' moons, Phobos and Deimos, mean fear and terror.

How many moons orbit around the planet and describe them?

many moons