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The earth's orbit is almost a circle, but not quite. It is elliptical, but the difference between the closest and farthest points is less than 4%. This is such a small difference that it would look like a circle to most people. Astronomy books often show misleadingly exagerated elliptical orbits.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Venus has the least orbital eccentricity of all the planets in the Solar System, and therefore has the most circular orbit of all the planets.

(Orbital eccentricity is a measure of how an orbit deviates from circular. As per Windows To The Universe, the list of least eccentric planetary orbits to most, of the planets in our Solar System, is as follows:

  1. Venus: 0.0068
  2. Neptune: 0.0097
  3. Earth: 0.0167
  4. Uranus: 0.0461
  5. Jupiter: 0.0483
  6. Saturn: 0.0560
  7. Mars: 0.0934
  8. Mercury: 0.2056
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15y ago

It is very close. A circle has an eccentricity of 0 and the Earth's orbit has an eccentricity of 0.01671022

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9y ago

Earth's orbit around the Sun is elliptical.

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9y ago

Just a little bit bigger.

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Q: Which planet has an orbit that is closest to a perfect circle?
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Kepler discovered that the orbit of each planet is an what rather than a perfect circle?

Kepler discovered that the orbit of each planet is an ellipse rather than a perfect circle. The planet with an orbit that is closest to a circle is Venus.

Is Mars' orbit a perfect circle?

No, Mars' orbit around the Sun is not a perfect circle but is rather an elongated ellipse. This means that Mars' distance from the Sun varies throughout its orbit, with its closest point called perihelion and its farthest point called aphelion.

Which planet has most elliptical orbit?

Mars has the most elliptical orbit. The earth's is almost a perfect circle

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Venus is the planet with the closest orbit to that of Earth.

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An ellipse. (Kepler's first law of planetary motion) Since the plants do not orbit in a perfect circle. They orbit in a oval shape.

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All the planets orbit in a perfect circle, so they always stay the same distance from the sun, except Pluto, which is why it is now a "Dwarf Planet".

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None of the planets orbit the sun perfectly in a circle, there is a degree of deviation from this perfect circle called eccentricity. The higher the eccentricity (more more the eccentric the orbit is) the further away from this perfect circle the orbit is. The planet that deviates most from a perfect circle, having the highest eccentricity, is Neptune. Neptune also has the highest axial tilt, tilted over onto its side as it orbits the sun.

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The perihelion is the closest point to the Sun in the orbit of a planet.It is different for each planet based on the elliptical variation, but will always occur at the same point in each orbit.

What is The point at which the planet is closest to the sun to its orbit is called?

The closest point to the Sun in a planet's orbit is called perihelion. The furthest point is called aphelion. Phil