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None of the planets orbit the sun perfectly in a circle, there is a degree of deviation from this perfect circle called eccentricity. The higher the eccentricity (more more the eccentric the orbit is) the further away from this perfect circle the orbit is.

The planet that deviates most from a perfect circle, having the highest eccentricity, is Neptune. Neptune also has the highest axial tilt, tilted over onto its side as it orbits the sun.

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Q: What are the planets has the most elliptical and tilted orbit?
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Which two planets has the most elliptical orbit?

The planet with the most elliptical orbit is Mercury. Second is Mars.

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What has elliptical orbits?

As an elliptical orbit is any orbit that isn't perfectly circular, everything has an elliptical orbit. The planets Mercury and Pluto have the most elliptical orbits of the planets, and are easily seen to be oval shaped. Comets also have highly elliptical orbits.

An oval like shape that is used to describe the orbit of planets?

Mars, and all the other planets, have oval-shaped, or eliptical, orbits.

When does Neptune orbit the Sun fastest?

Neptune orbits the Sun (as do most planets) with an elliptical orbit. When the orbit takes the planet closest to the Sun it is moving faster than when it is furthest from the Sun when on an elliptical orbit.

What shape does an orbit take?

It varies from planet to planet. But most planets including our own, orbit the star in an elliptical motion.

Name of the orbit around the sun?

The SHAPE of the orbit the Earth and most planets and other bodies of mass in space are usually elliptical.

Which planet has most elliptical orbit?

Mars has the most elliptical orbit. The earth's is almost a perfect circle

Which planet has an oblique elliptical orbit?

Pluto has the most oblique orbit. All the planets have elliptical orbits, however Mercury has the most elliptical orbit since Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet. This information is provided by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and available online [see related links].

What is the motion of planets around the sun?

According to Keplers first law of 1618 which has not been repealed yet, the planets each move in an elliptical orbit with the Sun occupying one focus. The shape of an ellipse is described by the eccentricity. For low eccentricity such as the planets' orbits have, the orbit is very close to being a circle but the most significant difference is that the Sun is off-centre.

Which have the most elliptical and tilted orbits?

Oort cloud comets

How far is jupliter from the sun?

740,573,600 km at its closest, and 816,520,800 km at its furthest point - like most of the planets, it follows an elliptical orbit.