

Which planet have the longest year?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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In Sol, that would be Uranus. If you include dwarf planets, Eris.

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Q: Which planet have the longest year?
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What is the longest year on what planet?

The longest year on any planet that circles around our sun is on Pluto, which one year on Pluto roughly is 248 Earth years. <><><><><> Since Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet, the role of longest year falls to Neptune, with 168.4 years.

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Pluto has the longest year, if it was still a planet that is, equal to 248.76 Earth years. Since Pluto is no longer considered a planet, the planet with the longest year is Neptune, at 164.8 Earth years per revolution around the Sun.

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The real "planet" with the longest year is Neptune It takes 165 Earth Years. Mercury has the shortest year. It is closest to the Sun and therefore the Suns gravity acts upon it with more strength

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Wich planet has the longest year?

pluto has the longest year it takes 248 earth years in one revalution

Year is longest on which planet?

Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun, taking the longest time to complete one orbit, 164.79 years in total.

What is the shortest year to longest year?

Neptune has the longest year( Pluto would be but it isn't a planet) Mercury has the shortest year(1 year=88 earth days)

Which planets has the longest year and which planet has the shortest?

(The year is proportional to the distance to the power 1.5) In our solar system, Mercury has the shortest year. Neptune has the longest.

What planet has the third longest year?

That depends on who you ask. Pluto technically has the longest year; each Plutonian year is equal to 247.7 Earth years. However, some scientists no longer consider Pluto to be a planet, and call it a "dwarf planet" instead. Since this decision was not actually binding, many people (including scientists) still consider Pluto a planet. If Pluto isn't actually a planet, then Neptune is the planet with the longest year (164.79 Earth years)

What planet has the longest year and why?

The planet in our galaxy that has the longest year is Neptune. Because it is farther away from the sun, it has the longest path to travel. Pluto ain't a planet.. A year is the same as one trip around the sun so because of is longer path is has the longest year. you are all wrong....... Let me explain....... Earth has the longest year because i have a time machine and i can do what ever i want with it because mummy and daddy said so and if anybody wants to come for a bumpy ride with me they can just call me on POOOPEYS Thank you soooo much! µ´≈ˆçå˜ß

What planet requires one earth year to rotate on its axis?

There is no such planet known. The planet with the longest rotation period is Venus. That rotates in about 243 Earth days.

How longest time it takes planet to revolve around the sun?

It depend on the distance of planet from sun and size of planet. If distance increases the time ie. Year increases