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Mars is approximately 148 million miles away from the sun.

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Q: Which planet in your solar system is approximately 142 million miles from the sun?
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What planet is 1AU from th sun?

By definition, the planet Earths average distance is 1 AU (astronomical Unit) from the sun. This is about 93 million miles or 150 million km.

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The planet Mars is approximately 13 light minutes from the Sun.

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The planet Maris is 33.9 million miles away from the planet Earth. The planet Jupiter is 365 million miles away from Earth.

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In our solar system, all of them are further from the sun than this distance. Even the closest planet Mercury is further than this for most of its orbit, though at its closest it is 28.5 million miles

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How far is Ceres planet from the sun?

Ceres, which is a dwarf planet rather than a true planet, varies in distance from the sun, as do all objects in the solar system. At its closest it is about 238 million miles from the sun and at its farthest about 277 million.

The planets distance from the earth?

Mercury: 35.9 million miles. Venus: 67.2 million miles. Earth: 93 million miles. Mars: 141.6 million miles. Jupiter: 483.7 million miles. Saturn: 885.9 million miles. Uranus: 1.8 billion miles. Neptune: 2.8 billion miles.

What is Earth's position in the solar system?

Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun, orbiting at an average distance of 150 million kilometers (93 million miles). The closer planets are Mercury and Venus.

How far is the Dwarft planet from the sun?

Pluto's, average distance from the sun is 5.9 billion km (3.67 billion miles). If you are asking about Ceres (in the asteroid belt), it is approximately 413 million km (256 million miles) from the sun.