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That planet is Earth.

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Q: Which planet is rockey and has an atmosphere made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen?
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Which planet has is atmosphere mostly made of nitrogen?

Neptune (NovaNet) There's something wrong here. Neptune is mainly a hydrogen atmosphere. Earth is the planet with a mainly nitrogen atmosphere, but the coldest is Neptune.

What planet has nitrogen and oxygen in it's atmosphere?

It is none other than our own planet Earth, which has nitrogen and oxygen in its atmosphere.

Why is the atmosphere 78 percent nitrogen and only 21 percent oxygen?

There is no such planet in our solar system. Perhaps you meant the atmosphere of the planet. The Earth has an atmosphere that's mainly nitrogen

Which planet's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen?

The Earth has an atmosphere of 78% nitrogen (and 21% oxygen).

What planet is rocky and has an atmosphere made up on mainly nitrogen and oxygen it has on natural moon?

The planet you're referring to is Earth. It has a rocky surface and its atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). Earth also has one natural moon, which is simply called the Moon.

What is the atmosphere made of on planet earth?

It is made out of nitrogen and oxygen

What is planet earth atmosphere like?

About 80% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen.

What planet has a nitrogen- oxygen atmosphere?

Earths atmosphere is rich in Oxygen, some 21% of the air is Oxygen. There is oxygen on other planets, but the percentage comes nowhere close to this. The percentage of Oxygen in earths atmosphere is thought to have been much higher in the past, before animals were about, but after the arrival of plants.

What planet other than Venus has a nitrogen atmosphere?

Earth's atmosphere is about 79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, and 1% "other gasses".

What planet's atmosphere is made up of nitrogen with some oxygen?

Earth's atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The other 1% is other gases.

What is the planet Venus atmosphere?

the atmosphere of palnet venus is mainly contained by; carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen.

What planet has an atmosphere made up of oxygen?

Theoretically none. The Earth has an atmosphere comprised of mainly nitrogeon 78% and oxygen 21% and as far as we know it is the only planet.