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Planet Neptune takes the most time to orbit the sun, as it is the farthest away.

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Q: Which planet take the most time to orbit the sun?
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What planet take the most time to orbit the sun?

Neptune. It would be Pluto, but Pluto is a dwarf planet ( a planet that was a planet, but decided that it wasn't a planet)

Which planet take the longest time to orbit the sun?


Do it take venus amount of time to orbit the sun?

Yes. No planet can orbit the Sun instantaneously.

Which planet takes the most time to orbit the sun?


How long would it take for it to orbit the sun one complete time?

neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun

What planet takes the most least time to orbit the sun?

Mercury takes the most least time to orbit the sun. It takes 88 days.

What planets take more time than Saturn to orbit the sun?

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (which has been reclassified as a dwarf planet but its orbit remains the same). There is speculation of a tenth planet beyond the orbit of Pluto, and if it exists it would also take more time than Saturn to orbit the sun.

What planet take 28 days to round the earth?

No planet, but the Moon takes that time to orbit the Earth.

What determines the length of the planets year?

The eight planets are in order in their various places. If a planet is closer to the Sun, it will have a shorter orbit and therefore will take less time to complete its orbit. If a planet is farther away from the Sun, it will have a longer orbit and will take more time to complete its orbit. For example, Earth, the third planet from the Sun and takes just a year to revolutionize it, but since Uranus, the seventh planet, is farther away from the Sun, it will take 81 years to complete its orbit.

How long time those take planet earth to orbit the sun?

One Earth year.

Which planets take the most time to orbit the sun?

I;m not completely sure but Neptune would make the most sense because its a cold planet and it has the largest orbital path. If Pluto was still considered a planet then my answer would be Pluto.

Do more massive planets take longer to orbit the sun?

The length of time it takes for a planet to orbit the sun is based on its distance from the sun, not its mass. The farther a planet is from the sun, the larger its orbital path, and the longer it takes to complete an orbit.