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Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.

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Q: Which planet was consider as a dwarf planet?
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Why istn Pluto consider a planet anymore?

Because it is not big enough. It is classed as a dwarf planet.

Why did they consider Pluto a planet again?

Since 2006, Pluto has been considered a dwarf planet.

Why do you consider Pluto a dwarf planet now?

Because is now extintc

What is the other name of 134340?

The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.

What is Pluto the dwarf planet an example of?

Pluto the dwarf planet is an example of of a dwarf planet.

Is Pulto a planet or a dwarf planet?

A dwarf planet it used to a be a planet

What planets do scientists not consider a major planet?

Pluto. It is considered a dwarf planet but very small compared to others in our solar system

Why is mercury a dwarf- planet?

Mercury is not a dwarf planet. It is a planet.

What type of planet is dwarf planet?

dwarf is a dwarf planet because it is to small to be in the solar system.,

Is Pluto still a planet or dwarf planet?

Its still a dwarf planet

Which planet is referred to as a dwarf planet?

Pluto is referred to as dwarf planet.

What do most astronomers consider Pluto to be a?

According to the International Astronomical Union, Pluto is a dwarf planet.