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Q: Which planet with more than one moon is furthest from earth?
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Which planet has more water than earth?

There is no planet in the solar system which has more water than earth. Europa (a moon of the planet Jupiter) is thought to have a liquid ocean under a mantel of ice, but this moon is no larger than our own moon.

How much more is gravity on the moon than the earth?

The moon has gravity but the earth has more because living people live in the planet.

Would an object weigh more on the earth or the moon?

The planet Earth has more gravitation pull than its moon. Therefore the weight on earth is more than that on the moon. The mass though does not change.

Which planet is more of a binary planetary system?

The moon and the planet it orbits that have the highest ratio of their masses are Earth's moon and Earth. The earth is only about 81 times as massive as its moon. In the #2 planet/moon mass ratio among the eight planets, Saturn is 4226 times as massive at Titan.

Which planet has least 1 moon?

The planets Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have one or more moons.

Does the moon spin like planet Earth?

Yes it does, but much more slowly.

Does the furthest planet get more light from the sun?

yes it does

How does the sun orbits oroung the moon?

The sun does not orbit around the moon. The earth orbits the sun and the earths moon (every planet has 1 or more moons) orbits earth.

Is Jupiters moon big as earth?

Jupiter's largest Moon is Ganymede. It is slightly larger than the planet Mercury. As the Earth is more massive than Mercury, the answer is no.

Why An object will weigh approximately 6 times HEAVIER on earth than it would on the moon?

Earth is a about 6 times more massive than the moon (Has more density per volume, since it's technically weightless in space) Gravity is proportional to how large a planet or moon is, so the object will be heavier on earth (a larger planet) than on the moon (a small body)

Is the moon the biggest planet in the world?

A moon is a satellite that orbits a planet. So the Moon (our moon) is not a planet but a moon.It is worth noting that, in our solar system there are bigger moons; but the Moon is the largest moon in proportion to the size of the planet. As a result, it has a more significant gravitational effect upon the Earth than do most moons. Of course, the moon governs the tides; but also it helps to stop rotational irregularities of the Earth from getting out of hand; and so the moon has been a very fortunate and calming influence for our planet.

Does the moon orbit the earth or the earth orbit the moon?

The Moon orbits the Earth, but technically, the Moon and Earth orbit each other, around their center of mass. Due to the Moon's size, the Moon-Earth system is sometimes called a "binary planet" system.A little bit of both. Earth is much more massive than the Moon so the Moon mostly goes around Earth, but the Moon does still tug Earth around somewhat.The Moon helps with the Earth's tides.In more scientific language, the Earth and Moon both rotate around their common centre of mass, called the barycentre.This is actually inside the planet Earth. So, although it's not strictly correct, it'spretty accurate to say that the Moon orbits the Earth.